sustainable innovation

Sustainable Innovation: Creating Sustainable Products Is A Must

Innovation has always been the cornerstone of businesses. As the old business model paradigm is changing, businesses are increasingly developing products adding sustainability to the mix, linking corporate social responsibility and innovation: sustainable innovation is born. And they are doing it while focusing services and marketing to a profitable market, tapping into niches and also…

Soft Sustainability. Communicating for the future

What do you think when you hear the word sustainability? Do you think about a company’s charitable, or altruistic, behaviour? Shouldn’t sustainability be something more concrete than charity or altruism, shouldn’t it be the responsibility of a modern business? Shouldn’t it be expected? Whatever images the word «Sustainability» conjures up in your mind, unanimously we…

Javier Piedrahita: La sostenibilidad es el futuro, aunque debería ser el presente

Se acercaba el nuevo milenio y en 1999 Javier Piedrahita funda, que sigue dirigiendo 17 años después y que se ha posicionado como el medio más relevante y más difundido sobre el marketing, la publicidad, los medios y la comunicación en lengua española. No podíamos dejar de contar con la opinión de una de las personas…

Taking on the challenge. The modern landscape for sustainable brands

Consumers are paying closer and closer attention to companies’ environmental and social impact. This phenomenon is particularly prominent in the millennial generation who are quickly making up the majority of the consumer market. Faced with a growing catalogue of evidence towards this point, an ever greater number of companies are taking up the challenge to…

Sustainability, Bottom Line and Investment. Paul R. Herman, CEO, HIP Investor

Sustainability, Bottom Line and Investment: Solving this Decade’s Equation

Sustainable Brands Barcelona. March 2016. The million-dollar question for many companies thinking about embracing sustainability is what impact it will have on their bottom line and in their capacity to attract fresh investment. Sustainable Brands Barcelona’s speaker  R. Paul Herman, Ceo + Founder at HIP (Human Impact + Profit) Investor Ratings (@HIPinvestor), starts to clear the…