Changing the system to change the system

Some reflections after our Little Big Conversation with Paul Polman Sandra Pina, CEO of Quiero and Sustainable Brands Madrid It is becoming increasingly urgent for brands and organisations to assume their responsibility as drivers of systemic change. We need a true mindset change, covering fundamental areas such as the training of future leaders with a…

Mané Calvo

#SBMadrid – Entrevista con Mané Calvo, presidente de Grupo Calvo

Grupo Calvo, una apuesta decidida por la pesca sosteniblePreviamente a Sustainable Brands Madrid 2019, Sandra Pina, socia de Quiero y directora del evento, entrevistó a Mané Calvo, CEO de Grupo Calvo, que habló sobre Moonshots Thinking y su apuesta por la pesca sostenible. «Queremos ser relevantes y convertir el mundo de la pesca en una…

#SBMadrid19 Interview – Jon Khoo, Regional Sustainability Manager (UKIME & Nordics) of Interface

Interface is an iconic Brand speaking about sustainability. What do you think that made Interface different from the rest some years ago? Leadership and a transformative mindset. Confronted with the question, “What are you doing about the environment?”, Interface’s founder Ray Anderson, took the time to use sustainability as a mirror and to see what…


#SBMadrid19 Interview – Víctor Friedberg, founder and chairman of FootShoot Global

What is the most significant change we can do as individuals to make the world a better place? Do we need a change of mindset? To make the world a better place is a very complicated and multi-dimensional question that includes global, national and local leadership and governance, policy and governance structure changes, wealth creation…

#SBMadrid19 Interview: Leonard Bukenya, partner of Aim for The Moon

How do you expect to reach or have impacted 100 million lives by the end of 2025? What is the key? The way we want to reach our moonshot is that we created numerous positive businesses that directly or indirectly impact the lives of people. We believe that on our own we can’t make it…

Hace 50 años el ser humano llegó a la Luna. ¿Quién se quedó en la Tierra?

José Illana – Socio fundador de QUIERO e impulsor de Sustainble Brands Madrid El 20 de julio se cumplió el 50 aniversario de la llegada de nuestra especie a la Luna, un hito para la Humanidad que convirtió en real un desafío que parecía imposible en plena carrera espacial. Cinco décadas después, en plena conmemoración…

Joanna Yarrow, Head of Sustainable & Healthy Living, IKEA Group: “We need to develop a positive vision of how to live a good life within the limits of the planet”

Joanna Yarrow leads the IKEA Group’s work to inspire and enable 1 billion people to live better lives within the limits of the planet by 2030 – by making sustainable and healthy living affordable, attractive and accessible for as many people as possible worldwide. Joanna will be at Sustainable Brands Madrid 2018. The IKEA Sustainability…

Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros, CEO and co-founder of Auara: “Entrepreneurship and mostly social entrepreneurship is not the easy way. It is the hardest way, but with the greatest destination”

Antonio Espinosa, CEO and co-founder of Auara. “Entrepreneurship and mostly social entrepreneurship is not the easy way. It is the hardest way, but with the greatest destination” This young architect with a wide experience in social projects and volunteering all over the world decided to start a social enterprise aimed at improving the lives of…

Sirikul NUI Laukaikul, founder The Brandbeing Consultant Co., LTD: “Responsibility and sustainability should be critical KPI of marketing”

Nui established her own consulting firm, The Brandbeing Consultant Co., LTD, after working for global corporations for nearly twenty years. Her approach to develop brand strategy is based upon the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. In this interview she talks about Karma Marketing, inspirational and compassionate leaders and how marketing helps make companies really more sustainable and…