Jorge Castro: Global Sustainability Engagement Specialist en Oatly
Find out how Jorge Castro, Global Sustainability Engagement Specialist at Oatly, integrates sustainability and effective brand communication.
Find out how Jorge Castro, Global Sustainability Engagement Specialist at Oatly, integrates sustainability and effective brand communication.
Previa a su participación en #SBMadrid 21, el próximo 26 de noviembre en el IESE, Diego Isabel La Moneda, co-fundador de Global Hub for the Common Good Foundation y Director de NESI Forum, reflexiona sobre cómo la innovación puede transformar el modelo económico actual. Diego participará en el panel «Mindset change for Moonshots or Business…
Grupo Calvo, una apuesta decidida por la pesca sosteniblePreviamente a Sustainable Brands Madrid 2019, Sandra Pina, socia de Quiero y directora del evento, entrevistó a Mané Calvo, CEO de Grupo Calvo, que habló sobre Moonshots Thinking y su apuesta por la pesca sostenible. «Queremos ser relevantes y convertir el mundo de la pesca en una…
By Rita Rockwell In the age of disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and automation, the role of leaders is more important than ever. Previous notions of corporate leadership that rely on tradition and routine are being thrown out the window in favor of disruptive leadership that inspires moonshots. New breakthroughs and innovations are…
Interface is an iconic Brand speaking about sustainability. What do you think that made Interface different from the rest some years ago? Leadership and a transformative mindset. Confronted with the question, “What are you doing about the environment?”, Interface’s founder Ray Anderson, took the time to use sustainability as a mirror and to see what…
What is the most significant change we can do as individuals to make the world a better place? Do we need a change of mindset? To make the world a better place is a very complicated and multi-dimensional question that includes global, national and local leadership and governance, policy and governance structure changes, wealth creation…
How do you expect to reach or have impacted 100 million lives by the end of 2025? What is the key? The way we want to reach our moonshot is that we created numerous positive businesses that directly or indirectly impact the lives of people. We believe that on our own we can’t make it…
1. Do you think the world is prepared to make a radical transition to a sustainable world model? How far do you think we gotten in making this transition? Absolutely not. As last year’s UN Climate Report made clear, we are less than 1.5 degrees Celsius (or 12 years, based on the current pace of…
José Illana – Socio fundador de QUIERO e impulsor de Sustainble Brands Madrid El 20 de julio se cumplió el 50 aniversario de la llegada de nuestra especie a la Luna, un hito para la Humanidad que convirtió en real un desafío que parecía imposible en plena carrera espacial. Cinco décadas después, en plena conmemoración…
This 17th and 18th October, Sustainable Brands Madrid returns for a new edition, representing one of the largest sustainability events in Europe bringing together brands, companies, inspirers, leaders and heroes in the Sustainable Business Equation, and more 30 international speakers around the concept of ‘Moonshot Thinking’. An unmissable event where we place sustainability as the driver…