Filip Engel, Head of Group Sustainability, Public Affairs & Branding, Dong Energy, shared a crisp presentation on the turnaround his company made over the course of a decade.
“I’m fueled by black energy, mainly, and so are you,” said Engel. But this did not mean that this state of affairs had to remain. Engel, and DONG Energy envisioned a future without fossil fuels.
Explaining how the company overcame initial resistance, Engel said that there would have been no change without “C-level leadership”. In addition, it was important to have clear strategic targets and goals to drive the turnaround.
The results today were promising – DONG Energy had gone from 15% to 55% green energy in 10 years, and reduced half of Denmark’s CO2 emissions.
DONG energy may have been an early example of a green turnaround, but it won’t be the last.
Regina Oon, SB Barcelona 2016 Volunteer, IESE Business School