
WORKSHOP: Disrupt & delight. Using Humanity-Centered Design to Unleash Shared Value

Following his morning presentation, during which he introduced us to “the Aspirationals”, Raphael Bemporad, founder and Strategy Director of BBMG led a humanity-centered design workshop. The objective was to disrupt and delight, to come up with innovative business ideas that would help Samsung engage with aspirationals in a sustainable way. Paco, from Samsung, participated of…


Break-out: The power of sustainable fashion to change lives and bring a message

The topic of this break-out session was the power of sustainable fashion to change lives and bring a message for future generations.  We were joined by Nicholas Allen from Patagonia, Paul Dillinger from Levi Strauss, Begoña García from Jeanologia, Gema Gómez from Slow Fashion Spain, and Enrique Segovia from WWF.  Sonia Ruiz, founder of NOIMA,…

Carlos Mataix

Break-out: Opportunities for businesses as partners in the implementation of the United Nations Post-2015 Development Agenda

Katherine Raleigh, of the Sant Pau Knowledge Centre, set the tone early on in the conversation, framing 2015 as a year of significance for the UN. You see, the UN entity is in its 70th year. The world is experiencing many challenges from a wide range of problems, and some may openly question the effectiveness…


El Naturalista: Reinventando la ética de los negocios a través de la innovación, la sostenibilidad y el diseño

José María prepara las notas para su presentación y aclara su garganta. Al encenderse la pantalla lo notorio es una declaración distinta al trillado acrónimo del triple resultado. La orientación a buscar resultados en People (personas), Product (product) y Planet (planeta) resalta en la pantalla al iniciar la sesión plenaria del segundo día de los…


Sesión plenaria: “Disruption for a new economy towards sustainability: The B Corp”

Al momento de subir al estrado de Sustainable Brands Barcelona 2015, lo primero que se recibe de Pedro Tarak es una sonrisa auténtica, para después recibir un mensaje genuino y comprensible para la audiencia reunida en IESE Business School. Sin vacilar con preámbulos, nos inspira a compartirnos como parte constituyente del planeta: “un yo como…
