SB Madrid 2023: From Purpose Driven Brands to Impact Brands
By Sandra Pina, General Manager at Quiero & Sustainable Brands Spain
I am happy to announce that we have presented the forthcoming edition of Sustainable Brands Madrid 2023, which will take place on the 23rd and 24th of October 2023.
In this new edition of Sustainable Brands Madrid, we want to stop for a moment to look back and appreciate how the role of business and corporations has changed, and continues to do so, at exponential speed. The pressure on corporations and their leaders to act on urgent environmental and social challenges is growing dramatically, companies’ sole focus on profit maximization is clearly unsustainable.
It is no longer just about having a purpose; we are living a crucial moment of transition towards impact. Concretely: what impact does your company generate? What impact does your brand generate?
Those of us who work on purpose know that the most important and difficult part comes with purpose activation. When we talk about having a purpose, we are talking about being able to activate it in a credible way, to generate measurable impact. Impact helps us avoid any connection with Greenwashing or Social Washing. Brands are powerful levers to influence the behavior of citizens; thanks to creativity and innovation, brands can play a key role in solving the greatest challenges in sustainability.
Brands are increasingly scrutinized under magnifying glass when it comes to the positive impact they are capable of generating. At the same time, impact investing and socially responsible investing are transforming the financial world.
Socially responsible investing is already becoming mainstream because it is becoming more and more evident that channeling investments based on ESG factors leads to positive impact. Impact investing experienced tremendous growth in recent years and it will remain key trend for the future; this is proven by the numerous new entrants to the impact investing market, the interest shown by many mainstream financial institutions – including institutional investors, investments funds and multinational companies. For all these reasons, there is overall an increasing pressure on companies to disclose what is being done on ESG and, above all, what is being done to change previous business practices.
In this edition of Sustainable Brands Madrid, “From Purpose driven brands to Impact brands”, we understand we can build our future with our present and we cannot postpone it any longer. Climate and social urgencies force us to focus on impact. We know that the conversation around Impact will intensify between company’s financial departments and business areas (brand management, commercial units, sustainability).
If we truly want to build a sustainable and regenerative future, corporate world and brands must align around impact.
I am looking forward to seeing you in upcoming SB Madrid to meet and share perspectives with international leaders who are regenerating the way of doing business through brands with impact.