Monday 23: Lego, Adidas, BASF and HIP Investor: sustainability as a business driver

The mid-morning sessions at the Sustainable Brands Conference at IESE saw speakers from Lego, Adidas, BASF and HIP INVESTOR. One thing they all had in common was that they currently all are using tools to understand and manage their businesses impact on the world and on their consumers. Tim Brooks, VP of Environmental Sustainability at Lego, focused…

Lego, Construyendo Sostenibilidad

Helena Martínez-Alonso. Sustainable Brands Barcelona, Febrero 2016. La próxima edición de Sustainable Brands Barcelona contará con ponentes de excepción, que compartirán inspiración y sus experiencias sobre sostenibilidad ligada al mundo de los negocios. Uno de ellos será  Tim Brooks, Director Senior de Sostenibilidad Ambiental de LEGO, la marca danesa que cuenta entre su catálogo los…