This 17th and 18th October, Sustainable Brands Madrid returns for a new edition, representing one of the largest sustainability events in Europe bringing together brands, companies, inspirers, leaders and heroes in the Sustainable Business Equation, and more 30 international speakers around the concept of ‘Moonshot Thinking’. An unmissable event where we place sustainability as the driver…

sustainable innovation

Sustainable Innovation: Creating Sustainable Products Is A Must

Innovation has always been the cornerstone of businesses. As the old business model paradigm is changing, businesses are increasingly developing products adding sustainability to the mix, linking corporate social responsibility and innovation: sustainable innovation is born. And they are doing it while focusing services and marketing to a profitable market, tapping into niches and also…

Entrevista a Pedro Tarak, cofundador de Sistema B y ponente en Sustainable Brands Barcelona

Disrupción y negocio. Parece atrevido si pensamos en el tono habitual de las reuniones de los Consejos de Administración y Comités de Dirección de las grandes compañías… Una Empresa B es como cualquier empresa comercial que funciona con sus cuerpos y herramientas de gobernanza. Sólo que tiene características peculiares que afecta naturalmente su cultura respecto…