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The Net Positive Project: Helping Businesses to Grow their Brand, Increase Financial Performance & Attract Talent …while Putting More Back into Society an the Enviroment

Net Positive is a new way of doing business which puts back more into society, the environment and the global economy than it takes out. Organisations that take a Net Positive approach share an ambition to deliver strong financial performance and attract the brightest talent. In her talk Sally will explain the principles that characterize the Net Positive approach, and will share key learnings on how members such as Dell, Kingfisher and The Crown Estate have adopted the Net Positive approach to begin to transform the way they operate in today’s social, economic and environmental context.

Location: time-hidden Date: Tuesday 9th May 2017 Time: 10:35 - 10:55 Sally Uren Forum for the Future Chief Executive
ticket LAST CALL!