From Purpose to Impact: The Focus of Sustainable Brands Madrid 2023

The countdown for Sustainable Brands Madrid 2023 has just begun

At Quiero we are passionate about organizing Sustainable Brands Madrid, one of the most relevant sustainability events in the world, because it is an opportunity to share knowledge and global trends with both companies and the local ecosystem of sustainability and impact.Today, we are happy to announce that this new edition of Sustainable Brands Madrid 2023, which will take place on October 23 and 24, and will be held under the slogan ‘From Purpose driven brands to Impact brands’, is already on the way. For those who cannot wait, tickets are now available with a 30% of discount, until July 15th.


If we want to keep accusations of greenwashing away from our companies and brands, we must focus on the real impact of our actions. We must be consistent between what we do and what we say, thus maintaining our reputation and preparing for long-term relationships with different stakeholders. But in order to do that, we should start at the beginning: what are we talking about when we talk about impact?

A better way

How will COVID affect the Sustainable Development and Company equation?: global problems require global responses. COVID-19 is an opportunity for us to rethink and improve upon many of things that we have been doing. One such thing is how we understand companies in terms of sustainable development. We now have a chance to profoundly transform…

Mané Calvo

#SBMadrid – Entrevista con Mané Calvo, presidente de Grupo Calvo

Grupo Calvo, una apuesta decidida por la pesca sosteniblePreviamente a Sustainable Brands Madrid 2019, Sandra Pina, socia de Quiero y directora del evento, entrevistó a Mané Calvo, CEO de Grupo Calvo, que habló sobre Moonshots Thinking y su apuesta por la pesca sostenible. «Queremos ser relevantes y convertir el mundo de la pesca en una…